Tour Operator
The Port of Astoria welcomes all requests from individuals and businesses alike to participate as a Tour Operator at the Port of Astoria.
Please note that any vendor interested in accessing Port property for the purpose of providing tours or transportation to cruise ship passengers shall be required to enter into a Facilities Use Agreement provided by the Port.
Any vendor who does not qualify for a Facilities Use Agreement but who is interested in accessing Port property for the sole purpose of dropping off cruise passengers after a local tour shall obtain an annual Access Permit provided by the Port before obtaining access to Port property. Please see the instructions below on how to apply.
- The Information below is required with your written request to initiate a Tour Operator Facilities Use Agreement with the Port of Astoria. Please email your request and information to You will receive an agreement for review within 7 business days after receipt of your request.
- Applicant/Licensee Name:
- Contact Person’s Name:
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
- Date(s) of Service: (Please specify dates you plan to operate tour service.)
- Number of Buses: (Please specify number of vehicles to be used. Permits will be issued accordingly.)
- Certificate of Liability: (Proof of liability as provided in the Facilities Use Agreement)
- Invitation from Cruise Line: (Proof of at least one current agreement with a commercial cruise line company inviting them to participate as a tour operator.)
- Dock Access Fee: (A dock access fee of $100 will apply for each day you will be utilizing the dock. The dock access fee(s) is due upon signing of contract.)
- Once the Tour Operator Facilities Use Agreement has been initiated, the Terminal Services Manager will forward the agreement to the Applicant/Licensee for review and signature.
- Once the signed contract and after all required documents are received by the Port from the Licensee, the Port will notify the Licensee that the agreement is in place and request the Dock Access Fee(s) at that time.
- Once the Dock Access Fee(s) are received, a Tour Operator Permit(s) will be issued and the agreement will commence.
If you do not qualify for a Facilities Use Agreement, the Port of Astoria also offers an Application for Access Permit. The vendor shall provide the Port all required documentation and payment before the Port will grant the annual Access Permit.
Upon granting an Access Permit, the Port authorizes the Applicant (subject to all terms and conditions of the agreement) to use the designated location for passenger unloading from tour vehicles. This permit is for no other purpose.
- The information below is required with your written request to initiate an Access Permit with the Port of Astoria. Please email your request and information to You will receive an agreement for review within 7 business days after receipt of your request.
- Applicant Name:
- Contact Person’s Name:
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
- Proof of Liability insurance as provided in the Permit Application
- Payment of any fees and other charges established by the Port.
- Once the Application for Access Permit has been initiated, the Terminal Services Manager will forward the agreement to the Applicant for review and signature.
- Once the signed application is received, the Port will notify the Applicant that the agreement is in place and request the annual fee.
- Once the annual fee is paid, the Port will issue the Access Permit to the Applicant and the agreement will commence.